Saturday, December 1, 2007

My Fave 5

People are always asking me who's in My Fave 5. This was a top question in our Employee Satisfaction Survey. We all know that I want to keep our employee base happy so here we go, clockwise:

1. The Nokes (w/o glasses) - Sometimes I like to touch base with myself for even more brilliant ideas or to decide which award winning outfit I'll be wearing.

2 Lil' Kim - Original member of my posse. As many of you know she takes care of my dirty work. In return, I ghost write most of her rhymes for her.

3. Charles Barkley - Now, Charles hates that I use his mugshot for his My Faves picture but I happen to think it's an excellent picture. I told him I would change it as soon as he wins an NBA Championship. Ha ha ha!

4. C3PO - My Personal Shopper. You never know when I'll need a new diamond ring, glasses, outfit, or warp core. Whatever strikes my mood.

5. The Nokes (with glasses)- I actually used to take up all 5 spaces in My 5. Each picture was shot from a different angle and a different jewelry set. I call this one whenever I need to create a fantastic new idea. Hotspot @ home began here people.

-Nokes Out


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