Monday, February 11, 2008

All Good Things...

... must come to an end. Unfortunately, this blog is no different. This blog started out as just something to do for fun. I never imagined that there would be 85 posts in just a few months' time. However, it's becoming increasingly difficult to come up with funny topics that are somehow Nokes or T-Mobile related. The Fake Sue character has been a lot of fun to do but it's becoming more of a chore than something I enjoy. Also, I want the blog to go out on a high note rather than have it gradually get less and less funny or interesting. Maybe one day I'll dust off her moonbase, C3PO, and her good friend Charles Barkley. But for now, The Nokes is going into her hyperbaric chamber for a well deserved nap. Thanks to everyone who posted a comment or e-mailed me about the blog. The page itself will remain up as will the previous blogs. Thanks again. It's been fun.

-Fake Sue Nokes Author Out!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I must concur with the first respondant.


The daily musings of The Nokes has made my cube-dwelling existance just slightly more tolerable. I feel I will not be able to go on living after this.

Anonymous said...

Today the world became a little sadder.

Anonymous said...

Did you jump, I wonder, or were you pushed?

Fake Sue Nokes said...

I jumped. No one asked me to stop writing the blog. No one has any idea who I am. In fact, it's been pretty funny having people come up to me to tell to check the blog out. I may take up writing it again sometime down the line. In the meantime I'll probably startup a more general blog so I can poke fun at more than just Nokes and tmobile related topics.

Anonymous said...

Well, you certainly ended it on a high note. The highlighter was by far one of the best stories!

Anonymous said...

AT&T takes Starbucks away from Gay Mobile.

Anonymous said...

You would have been pushed soon enough. They were releasing the hounds. But you probably know that.

Anonymous said...

Hounds=Nokes Lesbian Lover???

Have some info you want to share? We are all listening

Anonymous said...

You didn't know that Nokes and the majority of her leadership team is gay? Wow... Have you been living under a rock?

Why do you think they're so Hillary Clinton happy? J/K.

Anonymous said...

In honor of black history month, Nokes will utlize a black dildo with her partner.

Nokes out !

Anonymous said...

@black history month (the shortest month of the year!): Er, isn't Nokes and her posse all light-skinned? I didn't think anything darker than an undercover mullato with oreo flavor was allowed... Oh wait, there's that one UK dude, but he's in BO. But THEY don't count, do they? :)

Anonymous said...

Is it true that The Nokes and Hillary hooked-up during their time at Walmart? Or is that just rumor...?

Anonymous said...

sad but true, those conducting interviews wouldn't even be hired for the positions they now hold yet they will decide the fate of those poor good minded folks. sad but true.

Anonymous said...

how does chartier survive? by reorg'g every work group he gets over a 36 month period - yet results suffer & most recently lowest employee sat %s in years - yet on his way to the next COO

Anonymous said...

The Devil wears Prada, eh?

Anonymous said...

Chartier is a empty suit from Kansas (native)

Anonymous said...

has anyone seen chartier actually have a real cocktail and not just drink water (aka coolaide). other leadership team folks drink wildly & carry folks back to their hotel bedrooms

Anonymous said...

No I didn't know that Nokes and the majority of her leadership team are gay. I guess that explains the picture in her office of her and Ellen Degeneres. Anyone else have any other Nokes info to share? I also heard the Nokes has a daughter...

Anonymous said...

Who Satan.

Anonymous said...

With all this talk to the Nokes being a lesbian, I was just wondering if anyone has any solid proof of this. I couldn't care less but has anyone actually seen her with another woman doing anything or is this all speculation because she's in her 50's and never been married. Sorry I haven't worked at the company too long so maybe there's some history I'm missing here? Would appreciate it if someone "in the know" could enlighten me to the facts.

Anonymous said...

Individuals have been introduced to her partner.

Fake Sue Nokes said...

Get your bikini wax ready because The Nokes is back! New blogs starting today!

Anonymous said...

Her partner makes many bizness trips with her... she is introduced as such.

Anonymous said...

Her partner must not work if she travels with her because the Nokes travels a lot!

Anonymous said...

Nokes, Nokes, Nokes, Nokes, Nokes...we NEED more Nokes!

Anonymous said...

Can Fake Sue can enlighten us as to why Real Sue is leaving the company?

Anonymous said...

Why is Sue leaving? :( I like Sue.