Friday, February 1, 2008

2008 Kick Off Update #9

Today's the closing day of the 2008 kick off and I have to admit, The Nokes is ready to head back for a little R&R. After a stressful week of bathing everyone in my wisdom it's time for The Nokes to relax. I'll be taking my Gold Concord Jet home to my moonbase in the early afternoon. Once home I'll relax by putting on some of my favorite crying babies tracks on my ipod. A child's crying has always been very soothing to me. From there, I'll throw in a few of my favorite movies. I'll probably go with The Shining, The Passion Of The Christ, Titanic, Glory, and My Girl. You know, just some comedies to help The Nokes relax. I like to watch them all at once for maximum laughter. It's also the first of the month so that means I'll begin my monthly skin shedding tonight as well. Then maybe tomorrow some hoops with my good friend Charles Barkley. Also, I hear there's something big happening this Sunday. I'm assuming it's some kind of parade being thrown in my honor.

-Nokes Out

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